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Fire Extinguishers For Boats And Trucks

Fire Extinguishers For Boats And Trucks

Whether you’re driving on the road or skidding along the water, the fire safety code still applies. Thousands of accidents happen every year which could’ve been mitigated by just a fire extinguisher. Although each city has it’s own requirements, here are some of the key things to look for when getting a fire extinguisher for your boat or public vehicle.

Boat Fire Extinguisher Requirements

There are never enough measures when it comes to safety, especially in the case of boats. Every year, there are many cases where people suffer severe injuries due to boat fires. Even though most fire emergencies go unreported, the Coast Guard still reports boat fires to account for thousands of injuries and millions of dollars lost each year. With backup far away, boaters are usually forced to abandon the ship due to these fires. Portable fire extinguishers help immensely in these cases. These fire extinguishers effectively extinguish nearly 95 percent of all reported fires – making them an absolute necessity for powerboats, speedboats, rafts, yachts, ships and other water-based motorized vehicles.

Under codes and regulations, these motorized vehicles are required to provide fire extinguishers in each boat. The Coast Guard requires from one to three extinguishers on pleasure boats, depending on whether they have enclosed engine compartments and if there is a permanently-mounted fixed extinguisher system in the engine room. These are the minimums to pass Coast Guard inspection if you get boarded during any time. Make sure to keep the fire extinguishers in reach and refilled if you use the boats seasonally.

Trucks and Public Vehicles Fire extinguishers

Road accidents are a very serious issue in the United States. Studies show that there is a gradual increase in the number of vehicular accidents occurring in the US. A significant amount of these crashes results in fires and cause severe injuries. The NFPA states that there were over 187,000 vehicle fires in the US in 2011, causing over 250 civilian deaths. Many states mandate fire extinguishers on public vehicles, making them an absolute necessity for buses, trains, minibusses, taxis, trucks and other service vehicles throughout the whole country. Service vehicles also require certain safety equipment for vehicle protection and for the safety of those in the vehicle. In accordance with codes and regulations, public service vehicles including all buses, trucks, and tractors require a portable fire extinguisher for compliance with the FMCSA.

City Specific Fire Extinguisher Requirements

Chicago Fire Extinguisher Requirements

With the gorgeous Chicago summers along Lake Michigan, it’s an amazing place to enjoy on a boat. The seasonal weather however often makes people forget to recheck their boat’s safety equipment. Boat equipment should be checked once a year and often more based on the storage location. Learn more about Chicago’s requirements(add link to Chicago fire extinguisher boats blog included below).

New York Fire Extinguisher Requirements

New York has one of the largest harbors in the United States. With so many boats and service vehicles, there are many more requirements based on where you are in the city. Learn more about New York fire extinguisher requirements(link to new York fire extinguisher boats blog included below).

Dallas Fire Extinguisher Requirements

Dallas with its warm weather year-round and beautiful lakes, has people boating almost every month of the year. It also contributes to Texas being one of the states with the highest boat accident rates. Whether it be a boat or service vehicle, each vehicle should have a fire extinguisher that’s active.

Regardless of what you’re driving, having an active fire extinguisher is a must. Not only is it good to have a working fire extinguisher, but drivers are also required to know how to properly use fire extinguishers.

If you have any questions or want help getting a new fire extinguisher, call us at (214)256-5699.

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